
Kuroton is U-suke’s original book for Children.
The story is that a lonely boy, Kuroton, met Jet Dolphin who took him on a Journey to the stars to meet new friends and take a huge step in life.

Kuroton was one of part of selected illustrator in Bologna children's book fair 2015.

This book published by Hoikusya.co in April/2016.

The bologna illustrator exhibition 2015's schedule is below.

■ Bologna Fiere
from March 30 April 2, 2015
URL: www.bookfair.bolognafiere.it

■ Itabashi Art museum
from July 4 August 16, 2015
TEL: 03-3979-3251

■ Nishinomiya Otani art Museum
from August 22 September 27,2015 

TEL: 0798-33-0164
FURL: http://otanimuseum.jp/home/

■Takahama Art Museum
from October 3 November 1,2015

TEL: 0566-52-3366
URL: http://www.takahama-kawara-museum.com/

■ Ishikawa Nanao Art Musium
from November 6 December 13,2015

TEL: 0767-53-1500
URL: www.city.nanao.ishikawa.jp/nanabi/


Kuroton's LINE stickers are now on sale here! http://line.me/S/sticker/1174397